Democratic Debate Story 12/19/15

Christmas debate

The last debate of 2015! Certainly giving a glimpse of events to come, this debate provided answers to some of the largest issues in America. All the candidates gave a very diverse output on many of the issues, and although terrorism may be not the issue Sanders was looking for, there was still many valid answers to important questions in this debate.

Hillary website

Clinton  –  Website:

Lacking any evidence to back up her thoughts, Clinton was definitely an idealist throughout this debate. Whether her thoughts on ISIS or economics, she failed to provided any concrete ideas or evidence along with her thoughts. Also, whenever Clinton failed to mention some part about her plans, a reaction was given being that “I’d do that too,” or “That’s included in my plan,” especially when another candidate mentioned that they’d do the before mentioned. Regarding the concrete issues, Clinton took an extremely liberal view on Muslim integration as she wanted to work very closely with Muslim-Americans. She further discussed this in a response to gun control, as guns will not make people safer, but a tighter Muslim-American community will. As usual, she then interprets the issue as bi-partisan, continuing the trend throughout her entire performance. This included attacks on trumps and the rest of the GOP, attempting to make her look smarter and a better politician. After a long discussion on Muslims-Americans, gun-control and Syrian Refugees, Clinton begins her denial for the death of certain American troops, regarding the facts as make-believe stories to slander her image. Also, she favored large attacks on terrorists as well as large attacks on her fellow candidates, assaulting both Sanders and O’Malley for their poor choices within domestic affairs. Following this, the moderators moved to economic issues instead of overseas issues. Clinton then hilariously redirected her answers to her official website, lacking any evidence and facts on the spot. Also, Clinton ironically stated that she believes in small companies and businesses, but sells-out to her sponsors and runs the largest monetary campaign in her party. Continuing usual trends, when presented with the issue of wall-street, Clinton creates another bi-partisan issue and attacks O’Malley and Sanders for their wrong ideals. Overall, Clinton had decent thoughts and ideas, but lacked the concrete evidence to back up her ideas. Also, she was very childish as she made every issue into a bi-partisan one, not a cultural, ethical, religious, or any other type of issue.

Sanders wallstreet meme


Bernie Sanders is definitely a joy to watch. Starting off his performance with apologies,  he took responsibility for his actions which is quite admirable, unlike many of the other candidates. * cough Clinton * With his largest opinions being on finances, old Sanders tends to create every issue one about Wall Street, even terrorism. Since the top 1% is so small, Bernie needs to squint to see it, Sanders believes that it is America’s most troubling problem. Unlike Clinton, who’s is not enough people checking out her website. Anywho, concerning the issues, Sanders ultimately echoed the same exact ideas on gun control as his other debates. Sanders believes America needs to “remove the gun show loophole” and needs “stronger background checks.” Nothing changed since August. Unfortunately, Clinton hogs all the time of the issue of Syrian refugees and Sanders does not get a chance to say his thoughts. Regarding ISIS, Sanders believes that American cannot be the police of the world, and a coalition (including Russia) must be formed. This idea is said many times throughout the debate, as elderly Sanders tends to forget he has already said the same thing five times (Yes, I’m talking about wall street). When it finally comes to democratic issues, Bernie is like a kid in a candy store, and gets an excuse to talk about wall street and the top 1%. A raised minimum wage, unemployment down to 10%, and free tuition, Sanders expresses his views many times as well as expresses the same evidence many times. Not surprising, Sanders also favored free health care for the American citizens and cares to issue a police reform, due to the shooting of unarmed people. Funny enough, he believes America has the power to overthrow dictatorships, yet we can’t even provide 77% of our citizens with a healthy country.

Former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, a Democrat who is considering a 2016 presidential campaign, is interviewed by NPR's Steve Inskeep.


A very touching candidate indeed. Many of his personal stories were quite emotional, but I thought this was a debate? Isn’t there supposed to be plans followed by concrete examples, facts, statistics to support your ideas? Not with O’Malley, no, I still remember his story about the 2 daughters in Colorado from the October debate. Regarding this debate, he was quite feisty as well, attack both O’Malley and Clinton with their incentives and purpose for running their campaign (referring to DMC scandal). Also, tempo is the name of the game, as he wants to deal with the crisis in ISIS faster, but at least as the decency to say they have done a good job up to now. Concerning gun control, O’Malley appeared as if he was completely oblivious to the issue, as he didn’t have any stance or answer to the topic when asked about. O’Malley further carries a no-restriction Syrian refugee policy, accepting all individuals without background checks, family prioritization, etc. Calling out old Clinton and Sanders, he believes they are a generation behind as America needs to focus on the modern issues, which does not entail what happens to Assad, but what happens with ISIS. Economically, O’Malley just followed Clinton’s and Sander’s ideas without contributing much unique opinions. Expanding social security, and higher taxes for the wealthy, O’Malley had a mediocre, as usual, performance at this debate.

Overall, all the candidates were alright, but they each presented many flaws and attributes that brought their performance down significantly. With sellout Clinton, wall street Bernie, and anecdotal O’Malley, the debate was at least entertaining to watch and a fun way to educate yourself on the very many “American” ( ISIS?) problems.