George Pataki


George Pataki was born in Peeskill, New York and attended Yale University where he became an active on-campus politician. After Pataki graduated he attended Columbia Law School where he received his J.D. After college, Pataki obtained the position of the mayor of Peeskill later was elected into the N.Y. State Assembly. Following this was his election into the state senate and he became the first Republican governor in New York in the last 20 years.


-B.A from Yale

-J.D from Columbia Law School

-Mayor of Peeskill

-New York State Assembly

New York State Senate

-New York Govenor

Political Philosophy:


Stance on Issues:

-Pro legally require hiring women and minorities

-Pro religion in public

-Pro privatize Social Security

-Pro expansion of free trade

-Pro military expansion

-Pro “green”/renewable energy

-Anti Obamacare

-Anti right to own gun

-Anti higher taxes on the wealthy